follow your dreams wherever they lead you to. dont't let worries stand in your way. try to not look back but always move forward. live each moment to the fullest. believe that you are capable of getting what you aim for in life, that you have the strength within you to overcome any difficulties. you can never dream too big or set your sight too high.
go far as where your dream take u and you'll
be amaze with what you can do

Sunday, January 15, 2012

not alone but lonely..

xleh bla an tjuk jiwang2 ak ase ni yg kter sbagai manusia rase kdg2 an????besela 2..kte an insan biase yg ad mcm2 rase..rase lpr..rase haus..rase nk pkul owg..dn mcm2 ag la...trmasuk la rasa sunyi ni...kte bkn bersendirian sbb kter ad fmly,kwn2,comrade,skuad atau pe2 la yg kowng pnggl geng kowng 2...but still..we feel lonely..why???sbb dlm hati kter ad stu sdut dimana fmily,kwn2 x mampu nk isi,x mampu nk penuhi...even gf/bf kowng pn blum tntu dapat isi ruang 2...sbb 2 la ruang antara kita dgn tuhan...kter jauh dgn tuhan..maka kosong la ruang 2 dan rasa sunyi xkn terubat utk slamanya...ak bknnyer org alim or ustaz or pe rasenyer x slh kalo kter sesame manusia ingt mengingat antara kita..even penagih dadah pun leh ajk mat rempit pegi solat berjemaah...bkn pe..kalo nk tnggu sume org bek bru leh nasihat org len..alamatnyer kurang la bnda bek kt dunia kdg2 ak pn ad prasaan yg mcm 2..trfkr gak an..owg yg nasihat ak ni lyak ke x nk nsihat ak???die pn lg ble fkr2 blik...bgs gak..skurang kurangyer ad la yg sudi nk ingtkn ak...ish..dh menyimpang jauh tngktkan prestasi..kurangkan kontroversi..

p/s:ak pn x pham pe yg ak post ni...hehehe

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