follow your dreams wherever they lead you to. dont't let worries stand in your way. try to not look back but always move forward. live each moment to the fullest. believe that you are capable of getting what you aim for in life, that you have the strength within you to overcome any difficulties. you can never dream too big or set your sight too high.
go far as where your dream take u and you'll
be amaze with what you can do

Saturday, April 30, 2011

jangan tinggal daku

Jangan tinggal daku

Kita hanya lupa

Semua yang kita lupa

Semua yang kita buat

Biar lupa harga nafas yang sudah kita gunakan

Kadang kala bercakap

Dan masa yang kita gunakan

Masa perlu dihapuskan

Tak pernah tahu kenapa semua benda mesti mati

Jangan tinggal daku

Aku akan bawakan kau

Air hujan yang jelas

Dari tempat yang jauh

Dimana tempat yang tak pernah ada hujan turun

Aku akan meneruskan perjalanan aku

Untuk menghiaskan cahaya dan emas

Aku akan membina sebuah tempat

Dimana semua benda ialah kasih sayang

Dimana kasih sayang ialah raja

Dan kau adalah permaisuri

Jangan tinggal daku

Jangan tinggal daku

Aku tidak akan menangis lagi

Aku tidak akan bercakap banyak lagi

Menyembunyikan aku di satu tempat

Dan aku akan lihat kau senyum

Dan aku akan lihat kau menari

Aku akan dengar kau menyanyi dengan suara senyum kau

Biar aku buat semua benda untuk kau

Bayang kau adalah bayang

Bayang tangan kau

Bintang di bawah perintah kau

Jangan tinggal daku

The best way undemonstrative

I still can not understand the concept of love between people of different gender. This may be because I have never felt such feelings directly. true,I've fallen in love. not once but many times. however I never once expressed it. sorry I lie, I never express my feelings of this. I'm less good. I resigned, it may not yet have the love for me. but I'm happy to see the faces of the people I love the smiling beside those that they love and care. but now the feelings come back. I was not aware of any feelings that was present in the heart. I knew when I saw her face, there's a warm feeling in my heart . I tried to remove these feelings because she belonged to someone else and she admits it is very dear to the people. However, I failed. every time I miss her face, voice, and everything about her. I'm sorry for failing to control myself .... God, help me forget her. I could not help but feel this again. This feeling like a heart pierced witha sharp needle every time I think of it ...